Sunday, 16 January 2011

Oh what a lovely life!

I sometimes think we need to stop and contemplate life's loveliness. Steve and I have just spent an adorable day out with Maddie & Freya, our gorgeous granddaughters.
We took them to Weston-super-Mare and had a lovely drive up singing all their action songs! Steve tried to join in with the actions but Maddie was most insistent he "put your hands on the steering wheel grandad, you're driving!". Two year olds are priceless!
The new pier was our first destination and we spent a lovely hour in the soft-play area chasing them up and down steps, slides and walkways! I don't know where they get all their energy from as we were huffing and puffing after the first 15 minutes! We then changed into wellies and ran about on the sand, stamping on worm hills and making holes with our fingers!
Lunch was a very refined affair in the fast food cafe, but the girls were perfect angels and ate their meals quite beautifully. We must have exhausted the dear little things as they both fell asleep the minute we put them back in the car to drive home!
Days out like this make me realise how precious family is ... can we do it all again next Sunday please??


  1. What a great day out. Sounds like you had lots of fun. Weston beach was made for charging about on in wellies.Could you see the sea? I definitely think that you should go again next Sunday. Perhaps you could have KFC for lunch next time !! x

  2. Yes - KFC would definitely be an improvement on the McDonalds! I'm very lucky and am off to a bouncy castle stay & play group tomorrow with the girls and their lovely mummy Fi! I have such a fab life most of the time!
