Sunday, 31 October 2010

Trick or treat!

Hello lovely people! Amanda and I are having a very busy few weeks and we're sorry for not blogging for a while! Yesterday was lovely as we spent the morning driving through gorgeous Somerset villages putting up posters advertising our next Christmas Craft & Vintage Fair which is on 20 November, then we went to a nearby garden centre where Christmas had well and truly arrived - so much sparkle and festive loveliness!!

We topped off the afternoon with a jumble sale where we managed to find some lovely vintage china for Bella and the Moo and some fab jewellery for us!! And of course we couldn't leave the village hall without sampling the tea and coffee & walnut cake!

I've had a very productive afternoon today making two bags and a very pretty cushion cover, which will be on sale on our folksy shop in the next few days!

We're off to the village quiz in a bit ... hope we don't win the curly wurly for coming last!!

Have a lovely week!
Tina xxx

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Christmas is coming!

No really - it is! And Amanda and I are now having a frantic push to get lots of lovely Christmassy things ready for the four craft fairs we have coming up! Lots of red fabrics and spotty ribbons are flying about, as well as Amanda's lovely gift tags and the many, many Christmas cards I have been making too!
I've also finally sorted out the web domain (check me out!) and we now have a coming-along-nicely website - - have a look and let us have any suggestions for it's improvement / future!
Steve and I had a lovely few days down in Cornwall this week and the weather was absolutely glorious! I can't believe I actually got a sun tan in October!! I have come back feeling very refreshed and chilled out.
I've also been busy making some more girly pink baby bunting, as this seems to be popular with lots of people! The fabric is lovely Laura Ashley and it looks heavenly!
Must dash - hearts to sew, cards to embellish and sparkle to add!
Tina xx

Saturday, 9 October 2010

These boots were made for walking ....

Hello lovelies!
Amanda and I have had a gorgeous day out today for some retail therapy, and of course tea and munchies!! Amanda got some fabulous new shoes and I treated myself to not one but two pairs of boots, which should keep me snuggly warm this winter and stop my feet from hurting so much! I have come to realise I am getting too old for killer heels! (at least for walking any further than the car to the bar!).
We also stocked up on lots of Christmassy bits n pieces to make some wonderful cards and gift tags - I'm really looking forward to seeing a lovely pile of festive things appear on my table! Especially as we have now booked to attend 3 Christmas Fairs on top of our own Craft & Vintage Fair next month! We will be busy, busy, busy!! But it's so much fun ... like being a child all year round, as I get to do the things I love all the time!!
It's wonderful to see the shops now starting to fill up with all things sparkly, glittery and festive! I must admit Christmas is one of my favourite times of year - sends a lovely warm glow through me!
That's all for now and remember, life is a gift - unwrap it and enjoy!
Tina xxx

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Bbrrr Baby It's Cold Outside!

Hello, hope you are all well and enjoying the Autumn. I just love this time of year, all the leaves in their autumn glory, the smell of woodsmoke, all the berries ready for picking, the misty mornings and watching the birds coming down to the feeders in the garden.
Of course Tina and I are thinking ahead to Christmas. We have our second Bella and The Moo fair coming up plus several other fairs we are attending, so we are busy sewing Christmas decorations and gifts. The sewing machines are whirring away and our work spaces are a sea of seasonal red and green. Ooohhh it's so exciting, this time of year brings out my inner child, well it's not that hard to do as it's never far from the surface,the anticipation of all the yummy foods, time to spend with family and friends, snuggling up in the dark evenings to watch 'It's a Wonderful Life', wondering and hoping it will snow, the list is endless. Oh and I have been a very good girl this year!

My thought for today; Happiness is like a kiss, you must share it to enjoy it.

Work hard and be nice to each other,
With Love Amanda aka Bella xxx